Karen Kosowski
By Alex Teitz
Karen Kosowski came to music extremely early. At age seventeen she was a degree level pianist. By 22 she’d already led her own band. Now solo Kosowski is becoming one of the most recognizable names in Women’s Music in Canada through her CD’s Planet and Live at The Rogue’s Gallery, as well as for her recently started website focusing on emerging women in music, Estrogen Music. Kosowski has a wealth of festival and show experience and stands out from the crowd. FEMMUSIC is glad to have Kosowski as an interviewee this month as well as have Estrogen Music as our website of the month. For more information on Kosowski visit karenkosowski.com
FEMMUSIC: Describe your songwriting technique.
KK: My songwriting technique is pretty disorganized! For me, things come together in a variety of ways, sometimes from poems or journal snippets that have their own shape and rhythm, and then sometimes spawn from drum loops that inspire entire melodies and lyrics. It’s very unpredictable, and as someone who likes to be busy this can sometimes translate to frustration, but when it does come to me it is incredibly balancing. I’ve been coming to terms with the knowledge that everything is part of the creative process…even when I’m not writing… I’m observing.
FEMMUSIC: What made you decide that you wanted to pursue music professionally?
KK: I have been trained in the piano since the age of 4, so music was always my ‘thing’ i guess. I don’t think I really had a choice in the matter…it was more something I just did naturally and loved to do. I’m driven by passion in all areas of my life; so when something intrigues and electrifies me the way music does, I’m like a moth to a flame.
FEMMUSIC: Who have been your biggest musical influences?
KK: My influences range greatly, including everything from Beethoven to The Rheostatics, but I’d say some well known artists that have had the biggest impact would be Tori Amos, Ani Difranco, Sarah McLachlan and U2.Currently I’m also delving into other textures that are being influenced by artists like Massive Attack or Portishead.
FEMMUSIC: With the 5-song EP, Planet, what was the most challenging part of making it?
KK: I had a really good time making Planet, in all of it’s aspects. It’s a good question, because although I’m trying to figure out the most challenging part would be, nothing really stands out. I’d say once things were in motion, everything went along pretty smoothly for the most part. Perhaps the most challenging part was coordinating everything to begin with… the whole planning process. Wanting to get it right! I was also dealing with a personal challenge around the time of the recording… letting go of someone who was very very dear to me. A couple of the songs on Planet actually were written a mere couple weeks before we recorded… so I guess it was fuel for the creative fire! Personally, it was a hard time but the album allowed me an outlet to work through it.
FEMMUSIC: With both CDs, what was the best experience you had in the making of them?
KK: Opening the box and seeing them all sitting there in their plastic wrap! I think I actually kissed the Purolator guy! (just kidding) My first album was recorded live with a roomful of supportive, loving people; that night was definitely the best part because it felt very magical. With Planet, things were a little different (we recorded it in my studio at home with flowers, candles and cats… this was soothing and comfortable… so again, definitely the best part. I’d say that in both recording experiences I felt most alive; it’s like seeing a baby forming right before your eyes.
FEMMUSIC: You started the website, Estrogen Music. What are your long-term goals with it?
KK: Estrogen Music is just recently launched, but already is receiving a great reaction from the industry and fans. The goal is to be a community that nurtures, celebrates and supports independent female musicians and their fans. Currently we have over 70 artists on the site (and growing!), and we cover everything from intelligent news and editorial content to CD reviews and radio streams. I see it as being fully expandable, with no limitations… so for now, I’m still dreaming up all sorts of options. It’s very exciting!
FEMMUSIC: As a woman in the music industry, have you been discriminated against?
KK: I would say that I’ve been fairly fortunate for the most part and haven’t experienced much of anything that women wouldn’t experience daily just walking down the street. I think the discrimination I’ve felt has been more due to my age than my sex. Especially in previous years, I’ve been in situations where I felt that my ideas weren’t always given much weight, because of a perceived ‘lack of experience’. I quickly came to realize that anyone who closes their mind to someone younger than themselves is missing out on some really fresh ideas and optimism.
FEMMUSIC: What would you like to see changed most about the music industry?
KK: I would like to see more support and recognition for independent musicians… currently because of the internet the playing field between major and indie musicians is being leveled… but I think the mass population still has a lot to discover about who’s out there doing their thing. We also need more support for the indie arts from various facets of the industry – eg: Venues that pay artists appropriately, mass media that is not just a megaphone for the major labels (Yay Femmusic!),etc.
FEMMUSIC: What’s next? What are your plans for the future?
KK: I am currently working on material for a third album. This time I’m delving into new territory… I’m finally getting the freedom to experiment with lusher textures, drum loops and electronic sampling, etc. I’ve released a piece of this new material to the net (both on my website – www.karenkosowski.emp3.com – and on www.mp3.com/karenkosowski) and it’s been very well received. I also am raising money to get on the road and start touring… something which hasn’t been financially possible to this point. However, through my fans and CD sales, I’m starting to raise some funding and soon it will be possible! As for Estrogen Music, we’re working on expanding the site and spreading the word about our presence. Please check it out at http://www.estrogen.emp3.com!