Folly Rae

British performer Folly Rae has followed up her debut EP with a new EP called Karma Club. The EP includes the song “Sniper”
Rae has a pop sound with a touch of brass highlighted in “Sniper.” Rae is signed to Black Butter, who also handles Zara Larsson. She comes from Norwegian descent and has a history of dancing. She is still a new and emerging force. Look for more to come.
FEMMUSIC: What was the biggest challenge making Karma Club?
FR: If I’m honest, the biggest challenge was finding a happy medium between my musical sound and the poppy direction in which I was travelling… it was a natural progression just one that I wasn’t used to. I was scared about the musical world I about to enter!
FEMMUSIC: How was your approach different in making Karma Club vs From Money to Power?
FR: I was going through a toxic relationship that consumed me at the time of working on the Karma Club EP.
It was like I needed to write this EP too make myself feel better.
I wanted to have fun with it, instead of feeling sad.
It was a care free and fun experience- like a therapy session really. I also had a co-writer on 3 of the songs, which I haven’t really done before.
FEMMUSIC: You worked with Jake Gosling writing songs for other performers. What did that experience teach you about songwriting for yourself?
FR: I worked down at Sticky Studios for a while, yeah. It was great to see how others worked.
I learnt that the best songs are written from an honest place.
FEMMUSIC: Can you describe your songwriting technique?
FR: I starts with chords, the melodies come while I’m mumbling random words and I recording everything because I find the best melodies only come once, so you need to capture them or they are lost forever.
Then we subtly add to the production to add to the vibe.
Lyrics come last, usually ideas come from the mumbled words I’ve been singing.
FEMMUSIC: You’re signed to Black Butter. What made you decide to sign to a label? What benefits do they bring?
FR: Even before I signed with them, I loved what they did and what they stood for. They let the artist express themselves and they help enhance that. They often say no to my outrageous ideas, they keep me grounded! haha
FEMMUSIC: What song (not your own) has had the biggest influence on you and why?
FR: Wow, there are so many. At the moment, “Depth over distance” by Ben Howard reminds me that music can be simple and beautiful and not too over complicated.
FEMMUSIC: As a woman in the music industry have you been discriminated against?
FR: Discriminated against, no, not that I can think of.
I am quite dismissive of people’s negative comments but no, discrimination I haven’t dealt with.
Tho, there have been people who tried to take advantage of my ‘newness’ to the industry, but luckily I have a great bull shit radar and a great team around me now!
FEMMUSIC: Whom would you most like to collaborate with, or tour with? Why?
FR: I would love to tour with Ann Marie or Dua they both have such great energy and I think we’d have lots of girly fun.
I would love to collaborate with Lana and Sia (queens) also and 6lack, Kendrick Lamar.
FEMMUSIC: What one thing would you like to change about the music industry?
FR: The one thing I would change about the music industry is… hmm ask me in a few years!