
Sea Lemon – Diving For A Prize

Sea Lemon by Rachel Bennett2

Natalie Lew’s Sea Lemon project uses dreamy tones to mimic natural wonder. Today, the Seattle Songwriter announces her full-length debut, Diving For A Prize, out June 13, 2025 via Luminelle Recordings.

Diving For A Prize

The record is fantastical and shaped by life in the Pacific Northwest, fleshed out by collaborator Andy Park (Death Cab For Cutie, Deftones). Today, Lew Shares the single “Stay,” which expands on the gauzy Sea Lemon formula. “Handle all customers between the leather couches where the concrete starts to drip I think there’s something someone listening,” Lew sings in the final lines, over fuzzy guitars and a loping drum groove. In true Sea Lemon fashion, “Stay” is enveloping and cloudy.

On the single, Lew Shares: “Stay was the first track I actively wrote for my record, and is a little vignette of a man I saw in a local thrift store. This older guy, probably in his 70s or 80s, was acting as a security guard at this thrift store near my house, but he was basically asleep on the couch the entire time I was there. I couldn’t stop thinking about him after I left, and wrote Stay as a reaction to seeing this guy who I felt deserved to take a break. The song became a short story about him, and about how important I feel it can be to have someone in your life willing to telling you to take a step back and just relax.”

“When I make a song I think of it as its own little universe,” Lew explains.  Inspired by artists like Enya, Caroline Palochek, Air and My Bloody Valentine, Lew’s “shoegaze but with pop structures” songs have a knack to be earworm-y when you least expect it, embedding themselves in the listener’s psyche.  Intentionally amorphous, often what seems like a straightforward chord progression dissolves into something more insidious after multiple listens.  Her voice can sound sweetly saccharine until you listen to the lyrics, which often tell vaguely sinister tales and reflect scenes where the mundane takes a turn.  Lew writes short stories in her spare time, and her eye for curious vignettes is reflected in Diving For A Prize, which often sees her characters going through minute challenges or uncomfortable scenarios, like in the disarmingly ominous “Rear View,” which features a baseball player who is on the periphery of not making the next season.  For this is what life is like – “tragic, sweet, comedic,” Lew says: all of the things at once.


5/22 – Seattle, WA – Neptune Theatre*

5/23 – Seattle, WA – Neptune Theatre*

5/24 – Portland, OR – Revolution Hall*

5/25 – Portland, OR – Revolution Hall*

7/29 – Missoula, MT#

7/30 – Spokane, WA#


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