
Naz Hejaz – Incurable Dreams

Naz Hejaz

Self managed, self released, and self exacting, quasi-terrestrial artist Naz Hejaz emerges from the debris of music and the cybernauts. As much a product of technology as in quiet revolt of it, Naz Hejaz created debut album Human Halfway House to capture the consequences of the code and the chaos defining the modern era and how our fragile humanity fits into it.

Leading single “Incurable Dreams” details the cycle of addiction and the seductive and surreptitious longing for that which ruins your life. Like the long lost lover you could never quite relinquish, it tugs at your sleeve and itches your brain until you give in. An “Incurable Dream”, if you will.

Human Halfway House is a cinematic descent into vice, technology, and the slow sedative degradation of the human spirit. Three years in the making, this debut album resists the easy lure of influence, attempting to forge something wholly original—where driving basslines, spectral synths, robotic voices, and relentless drums collide in a sonic world both hypnotic and unsettling. Shaped as much by the chaos of the modern era as by the eerie whimsy of vintage Disney, the indulgence of Italian erotica, and the existential grandeur of Pink Floyd, it charts the cycle of excess: from temptation to consumption, overdose to resolution. Human Halfway House isn’t just an album—it’s an invitation into the beautiful wreckage of overindulgence.


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