
Adult Mom – Door Is Your Hand

Adult Mom

Today, Adult Mom delivers a powerful and darkly poetic song titled “Door Is Your Hand”, their first release in two years.

Intertwined in jangly electric guitars and a triumphant power-pop chorus, songwriter Stevie Knipe’s lyrics radiate an unmistakable honesty as they confront a deeply personal topic with unflinching storytelling.

“I have been through a lot since we last released music, and the experiences have shaped me deeply,” they explain. “This song was a way for me to process harm and victimization in ways that maybe aren’t conventionally “good”. “I think over the years I’ve grown angrier, and then serene in that anger. Beautiful things come out of it.”

From solo strumming on an acoustic guitar to recording a full-band anthem, Knipe outlines the multi-year journey of creating “Door Is Your Hand”. “The original song was written in 2020 alone on my guitar. I sketched up some different arrangements on GarageBand, and years later the band finally got together in PA at The Bunk to flesh it out. After sitting in a room and nitpicking every part of the song together, we eventually recorded it at Art Farm in Accord, NY in the summer of 2023.”

Originating as the solo project of Stevie Knipe at Purchase College, Adult Mom now falls between the playful spectrum of solo project and collaborative band with beloved friends and musicians Olivia Battell, Allegra Eidinger and Lily Mastrodimos. Through clever and intimate indie-pop songs, they offer a glimpse into the journey of a gender-weird queer navigating through heartache, trauma and subsequent growth.


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