Heartworms – Extraordinary Wings

Today, formidable South London auteur Heartworms shares her foreboding new single “Extraordinary Wings”, taken from her upcoming highly anticipated debut album Glutton For Punishment – out February 7 on Speedy Wunderground.
“Extraordinary Wings” is accompanied by a striking video directed by Heartworms’ frequent collaborator Gilbert Trejo.
Following October’s “Warplane”, “Extraordinary Wings” pays homage to Heartworms’ love of aircraft, and the chanted refrain “I don’t wish murder / Cause I got no right” becomes a haunting hook, somewhere between a rallying cry and an appeal for peace. Beyond this, she leaves the listener to work out their own feelings, or to interpret hers as they please, sharing: “I don’t have the time of day to tell you what you want to hear.”

Produced by longtime collaborator Dan Carey, Glutton For Punishment combines the propulsive, motorik tendencies of gothic stalwarts Depeche Mode, with the lyrical dexterity of PJ Harvey, and the off-kilter rhythms of LCD Soundsystem into a powerful sonic onslaught that is entirely Heartworms. “With my EP, people kind of pigeonholed me into post-punk,” she says. “I was like, ‘Cool, I can do that, but I can also do way more’ – I can do post-punk, but I can also be poppy and catchy, and this album represents that. I think people might be surprised when they hear it.”
When it came time for Jojo Orme, aka Heartworms, to name her hugely anticipated debut album, few phrases could as easily capture the discomforting feelings at the heart of her songs. Across Glutton For Punishment’s nine sharply realised agit-pop tracks, Orme sings about broken families and broken relationships with bracing frankness – every song shot through with the unnerving feeling that maybe she enjoys the chaos. “We’re all so drawn to punishing ourselves, and I’m always drawn to singing about it, and thinking about it,” she says.