
Bea and Her Business – Me Vs Me

Bea and her Business by Lewis Vorn

Bea and Her Business debuts the new EP Me Vs Me also with the new track “Sunburnt Shoulders.”

Bea says, “‘Me Vs. Me’ is a story of growing up, moving on, looking out or in the mirror, taking the world by storm or feeling insecure, accepting who you are or hating it, feeling out of control in a bad way or a good way, being single as hell, unapologetic but prone to apologizing, occasional self-pity, knowing what I deserve or stooping low as hell, fitting in, settling, trying not to kick up a fuss but next minute I’m on a rager, never being one thing, it’s a life and an EP full of juxtapositions.”

Me Vs Me

That whirlwind of conflicted overthinking has inspired the EP’s previous singles, with Bea fighting social self-doubt and body confidence in “Me Against My Head,” feeling like a “wet wipe” when infatuated with a boy who looks “like a God in the middle of the street” in “WOW!” and realizing that YOU are the only person who can make things happen for yourself in “Good Things.”

The EP’s focus track “Sunburnt Shoulders” is Bea’s latest stand-out moment. Broadening her versatility with a folk-pop touch, it’s a song that uses self-deprecating wit and low-key wisdom in its lyrics (“I wanna be leftfield but people only dance when you play the hits”) to channel the confused thoughts one can feel when they’re young and having fun but also trying to decide which path they should take in life.

Bea adds, “The lyric ‘Give me one more year, I’m sure I’ll kill it’ sums it up so well. It’s like you’re procrastinating your life away – please don’t let me grow up just yet, I need a second to get my shit together first. I’ve just turned 20 and there’s the thought that I’ve got to step up and start taking responsibility which slightly terrifies me as I still feel like I can be a bit of a child’ she laughs. “I hope it can give people a bit of comfort in the sense that we’re all terrified of getting older.”


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