Jahnah Camille – I Tried to Freeze Light, But Only Remember A Girl

Introducing Jahnah Camille (pronounced “Hannah”), a young artist emerging from the DIY scene of Birmingham, Alabama. She has been attracting attention in her part of the world since she was in high school, with songs that capture the rollercoaster of teenage angst, heartbreak and introspection, while steadily gaining an impressive resume of opening slots as she cut her teeth supporting acts like Clairo, Soccer Mommy, Cryogeyser and Wednesday as they came through town.
Today, she is announcing her debut EP, i tried to freeze light, but only remember a girl, and her signing to Winspear, who will release the EP on June 21st,.

She shares her first single for the label. “flesh.”
Camille says of the track:
“‘flesh’ is heavily inspired by the movie About Time and what it means to me. The movie is about a young guy who finds out the men in his family’s ability to time travel. He ultimately uses this ability to be mindful and live each day intentionally. The song is about my own relationship with intention.”