
Nightjacket – Holland Belle


Nightjacket is a Los Angeles 3-piece dreampop band featuring Holland Belle, Jordan Wiggins, and Louie Schultz. The band released its debut album Beauty In The Dark on May 24. It is a different creature from their Eternal Phase EP. The album features tracks like “Waking Up with You”

FEMMUSIC had a recent e-mail interview with Holland Belle about the album.

FEMMUSIC: What was the biggest challenge making Beauty in the Dark?

HB: The hardest thing was keeping our heads in the game throughout the process. There were so many ups and downs, so many times it felt like we would never finish. But at the end of the day, no matter what you’re feeling, you’ve got to show up and do your job- that’s the only way to make it happen.

FEMMUSIC: Tell me about working with Adam Lasus. How did you meet? How was he to work with?

HB: Adam had worked with our bandmate Louie Schultz (guitar/keys/co-writer) on some previous albums. We all instantly clicked with him. Adam has a healing presence, just being in the room with him made me feel focused and relaxed. He’s chill as hell, and absolutely the best at creating wicked guitar tones. He’s a pro at his profession, but also open to the ideas of everyone in the room. Love him!

FEMMUSIC: I’m very curious about producing the album in multiple studios. What made you decide to do that? How did you choose the studios?

HB: It’s pretty typical these days to record your drums in a big studio and do all the other elements somewhere else- it’s less expensive and allows you time to experiment. We were all over the place with this album, sometimes at Adams place in the valley, sometimes at Louie’s little spot in Eagle Rock, sometimes in Jordan’s bedroom in Los Feliz. We basically made it work wherever we could.

FEMMUSIC: What was the biggest difference making Beauty in the Dark vs Eternal Phase EP?

HB: The scale of it. Eternal Phase was a collection of demos Jordan Wiggins (guitar/co-writer) created. He found me and I came in to add vocals and play around with the lyrics. We did the whole thing in his bedroom on a laptop. With Beauty we had Adam and Louie in the mix- who are both masters at creating tone and dimension.


FEMMUSIC: Can you describe your songwriting technique?

HB: The songs on this album are collaborations, so it’s different from my solo process. Most of the songs came from Jordan first- he would come to me with the idea and I would add lyrics and develop the melody if the idea wasn’t concrete.

When I’m writing alone I start with a chord I like, then develop the entire song in flow- chords, melody, and lyrics at the same time.

FEMMUSIC: What song (not your own) has had the biggest influence on you and why?

HB: The answer to that is always changing. Today the answer is Joni Mitchell’s “Both Sides Now”- why? The balance of unique chords changes and creative melody- while always sounding at ease. There’s so much artistry there. And the lyrics….full of wisdom. Every time I listen I hear the song a different way.

FEMMUSIC: What challenges, if any, have you faced as a woman in the music industry? And how did you overcome them?

HB: I don’t think my path as a woman is any more or less challenging than anyone else’s. My mindset is- if you anticipate that you’re going to be treated differently, then you’ve already shot yourself in the foot. You’ll create the thing you fear. I would say- be yourself, and trust your judgment. Don’t do things you don’t want to do.

FEMMUSIC: Whom would you most like to collaborate with, or tour with? Why?

HB: That’s hard, there are so many. Beck will always be up there, St. Vincent, Josh Tillman. I like artists who get weird with it.

FEMMUSIC: What one thing would you like to change about the music industry?

HB: Nothing. Cuz I can’t. I can only change myself, so if there’s a problem in my life, I focus on that.

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