Frankie Rose

by Alex Teitz
Frankie Rose has played with Dum Dum Girls, Vivian and Beverly. She has been known as a New York musician for years. For her 4th album, Cage Tropical, Rose went to Los Angeles and worked with Jorge Elbrecht (Tamaryn, No Joy) and Dave Harrington. The result is a sublime album filled with a dreamscape of voices. It feels like ocean washing away the world. The album includes “Red Museum” which has a striking video directed by Geneva Jacuzzi. Rose is on a headlining tour. For info visit
FEMMUSIC: Cage Tropical is wondrous creation. What was your vision for it when you began?
FR: I ever really start with a vision. Projects develop as I move forward and become ” a thing” starting an album is a bit like being at the bottom of my Everest , knowing you are going to climb it. Eventually you get to the top and you have created something!
FEMMUSIC: Tell me about Jorge Elbrecht. How did you meet and what made you decide to work with him on this album?
FR: Jorge is a cool wizard. He likes supplements and can slay pretty much any instrument. I knew he would be perfect for getting the album started. He’s quick on the draw.
FEMMUSIC: Tell me about Dave Harrington. Again how did you meet and what made you decide to work with him on this album?
FR: Dave made a remix of pair of wings and I really liked darkside. He helped to arrange the record and challenged me to make choices I wouldn’t normally make.
FEMMUSIC: What was the biggest challenge making Cage Tropical?
FR: Getting the resources together to make it happen… that happened by sheer will I would say…
FEMMUSIC: In Cage Tropical you return to Slumberland Records for the first time since Interstellar. What made you decide to work with them again? What benefits do they bring to this project?
FR: I trust mike from Slumberland records with my life. Being on Slumberland records is like going home.
FEMMUSIC: I happened to see Geneva Jacuzzi live at the same time the “Red Museum” video came out. Please tell me how you came to meet her and why you choose to work with her on the video?
FR: Actually Jorge suggested her as a director. I was already fan so he didn’t have to sell it to me. I have actually never met her! I hope to!
FEMMUSIC: Can you describe your songwriting technique? How has it changed over time?
FR: It’s been the same as long a short I can remember . Someone recently described it as sculptural I think that’s true. I have about 5 different versions of each song.. all with different elements , different speeds, I will carve away at something until it’s ” finished”
FEMMUSIC: As a woman in the music industry have you been discriminated against?
FR: Well. I think that’s obvious. Yes. It’s a completely male dominated industry most music writers are men most bands are full of men, most sound engineers are men. I think things are changing however. I’m happy to see it.
FEMMUSIC: Whom would you most like to collaborate with or tour with and why?
FR: Robert Smith. The Cure. He’s amazing.
FEMMUSIC: What one thing would you like to change about the music industry?
FR: How male dominated it is. And maybe we need to figure out how to pay our music makers better. This Streaming business is not working out so well for us.