Tsunami Bomb

By Alex Teitz
In 1998 a new voice emerged in pop punk, Tsunami Bomb (TB). They toured on Vans Warped Tour with a style that was wild and fun. Comparing them to a young No Doubt would not be far-fetched. The group was led by Agent M, Emily Whitehurst, and her distinct vocals. In 2005 the band ended.
In 2016 the band is back on the road with original members of Dominc Davi, Oobliette Sparks, Gabe Lindeman & Brian Pink. They are touring with a compilation album of their EP’s made by Kung Fu Records called Trust No One. They also have a new vocalist, Kate Jacobi. FEMMUSIC was honored to do an e-mail interview with Jacobi before they begin their new Vans Warped Tour dates.
FEMMUSIC: How did you first hear of Tsunami Bomb (TB) getting back together?
KJ: Our original guitarist, Brian, and I worked together and we’re friends before TB reformed. He had been saying for the majority of the time I knew him how much he missed the music scene, specifically with Tsunami Bomb. I met Dominic at a festival that Brian and I went to and that’s where Tsunami Bomb coming back felt like a possibility. The two were still goofy friends even after years apart. So, when Brian told me they were going for it, and that they needed a vocalist, that’s when this all kinda kicked into gear.
FEMMUSIC: What is the biggest challenge being the new person in the band?
KJ: My initial apprehension was for two reasons:
Aligning expectations with reality. I knew I was about to be thrust into a situation with 4 distinct individuals, most that I had never met. I also knew that they all had their ideas about what to expect from me as a person, a bandmate, a new vocalist. There were a lot of unknowns. I wasn’t sure how I would bond in this group that had been so close for so long or if they’d embrace me. As it turns out, Gabe, Brian, Oobliette, and Dom are 4 of the most incredible people I’ve met and our friendships formed rather instantly.
FEMMUSIC: Have you faced any criticism from fans or others? How do you treat it?
KJ: When we announced that Agent M wouldn’t be returning, heads already turned. When it became clear that that new voice would be mine, it sparked a lot of curiosity. I was prepared for criticism, but what I met most was skepticism. My voice hasn’t been out there so there wasn’t a reference point of what to expect. As a fan of Tsunami Bomb growing up, I knew the passion that exists for this music because I had it too. It’s something I’m open about. I looked up to M for most of my life and always will, but I love what the five of us have created as a group. There is a passion, an energy, and a dynamic twist that comes from Oobliette and I together especially, that really makes this a new chapter for this band with the same heart we all love.
FEMMUSIC: What is the best part of being in TB?
KJ: Is it too cheesy to say it’s like living a dream? Sometimes that’s what it feels like. I get to develop friendships with amazing people who happen to be insanely talented musicians. Not to mention, play songs that were staples of mine growing up, meet bands I admire so much, and meet incredible people that share my love for Tsunami Bomb. It has happened at every show so far, but I remember one fan in particular in Las Vegas that was near tears when we met her outside. She told Gabe and I how Tsunami Bomb had changed her life and given her courage throughout the years. That’s the best part. Bringing that passion back for people to hopefully fall in love with all over again.
FEMMUSIC: The band is touring with material from the past. Are their plans to make new original music? How has any songwriting progressed?
KJ: I’ll say this: we are 5 creative and driven individuals who inspire each other. We are all having an amazing time. I guarantee, that won’t all stay bottled for long.
FEMMUSIC: As a woman in the music business, have you been discriminated against?
KJ: So far, I’ve been met with 100% support. It’s nice to know that no matter what, I have 4 amazing friends behind me. One badass female included.
FEMMUSIC: What one thing would you like to change about the music industry?
KJ: A renewed focus on performing. Starting out as a live musician as opposed to studio has been incredibly beneficial. That experience is driven entirely by the music and the fans and to me, that’s what it’s about.
FEMMUSIC: If you could collaborate with or tour with any artist, who would it be & why?
KJ: Frank Turner. I have no idea what a collision of he and Tsunami Bomb would sound like, but his live performances are electric with energy with incredibly emotive albums driving them.
FEMMUSIC: What advice would you give to an artist just starting out?
KJ: Never try to fit into a box that anyone else makes for you.