Framing Amy

By Alex Teitz
Framing Amy is a Milwaukee based pop rock band. Their CD’s and live shows generate an energy and a presence felt by only the best of true professionals. The band consists of Amy Pierce on vocals, Tony Nardone on drums, Tony Lentz on bass, and Thomy Kiesling and Rus Stanford on guitars. The band’s latest CD, Eureka Phenom is filled with touching ballads, and fiery rock songs.
FEMMUSIC: Describe your songwriting technique?
AP: Entirely collaboratively by all 5 members of the band. The best songs and melodies seem to happen when Amy takes a break to the bathroom and can still hear the band playing. She says that creation is sometimes best when you are “on the outside looking in”.
FEMMUSIC: What was the biggest challenge making your current CD?
AP: Well, of course, $$$ is always an issue. But more importantly is finding the producer that will take your ideas and songs and have the cream rise to the top as the finished piece.
FEMMUSIC: What was the best experience making your current CD?
AP: Actually realizing that pre-production has a lot to do with the structure and “umpfff” of the song. Framing Amy learned a LOT about making an album from this last CD.
FEMMUSIC: Who have been your musical mentors?
AP: Heart!!!! These women have the power in their voices and in their songs that propelled me to work on my dream career in music. They taught me that you don’t have to be a fragile woman in music!
FEMMUSIC: What one thing have you learned that has helped build you audience?
AP: Connect with the people! No matter how exciting or how somber a song is…if you feel it…they feel it.
FEMMUSIC: What one thing would you like to change about the music industry?
AP: Of course, every woman has an issue with the whole “image” thing. But, I would have to say that I’d LOVE to bring the industry back to the mindset of the ’70’s. Your song didn’t have to fit into 3 minutes for it to be a hit!
FEMMUSIC: As a woman in the music industry, have you been discriminated against?
AP: You bet! I talked with a local programming director of a rock station who said, “We won’t play female vocals!” But, on the other hand, other doors have been opened to me that if Framing Amy was an all male group that we would have never have gotten. ie: Lilith Fair .
FEMMUSIC: What advice would you give to an artist just starting out?
AP: Get your business plan together! No matter how good of a musician you are, you won’t make it far if you let the business fall to the wayside.
Also, something that I’ve learned is….”there is NO ONE out there who will sell your band better that YOU!”
FEMMUSIC: What are your plans for the future?
AP: Continuing to learn this tricky business as Framing Amy makes strides to becoming a life long business and career.