
By Alex Teitz
Bubble is an in-your-face rock band that has been playing the US, and Asia. Their appeal is no nonsense songs and years of experience from players who have played with such bands as Dogs D’Amour, and Vixen. The band is Share Ross on vocals and guitar, Bam on drums, Brent Muscat on guitar, and Dino Everett on bass. The band’s debut CD How ‘Bout This is a ride of power and energy.
FEMMUSIC: Describe your songwriting technique.
Share: Songwriting is soooo mysterious! Sometimes it starts with a lyric. Sometimes it starts with a chord progression. It’s a miracle when it all comes together at once! Our song, “Sparklestar” was like that. So was “6000 Miles.” But “Drug and Don’t Talk to Me” were written around the drums! We like to experiment a lot with writing songs from different perspectives musically. In the past couple of years, I’ve been learning to play drums to help me understand even more of the rhythm of what drives a song. Songwriting is something that will always be a fascinating wonder to me. I don’t really know where it comes from. I just hope it keeps coming?!!!!
FEMMUSIC: What was the biggest challenge making your current CD?
Share: Definitely, my biggest challenge was that I was the engineer and co-producer on our record. I had to LEARN how to work the board and the tape machines etc etc. At times, it was tough to decide if a take was THE take, if the arrangement was cool, if it needed tambourine, if it needed keyboards and if so, what kind??? Those responsibilities were, at times, exhausting. It would have been easier, although, perhaps not better, to have someone to make that decision for us. But, for the record, I’m not complaining because I enjoy being the master of my own destiny and that CD sounds exactly how I wanted it to sound!!!!!
FEMMUSIC: What was the best experience making your current CD?
Share: Ha ha! Finding out I really could engineer and produce! (now I’ve used both skills for other bands, including the DOGS D’AMOUR CD!)
FEMMUSIC: Who have been your musical mentors?
Share: Everything from Miles Davis and Sarah Vaughn, to Radiohead, Ash, The Stones, The Pretenders, Iggy Pop, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin.
FEMMUSIC: What one thing have you learned that has helped build you audience?
Share: Well, I’m a fan of a lot of bands, and I try to treat the fans of our band how I would want to be treated. With respect and courtesy. And, onstage, we give it all we got! We’ve been known to keep playing when the P.A. goes down!
FEMMUSIC: What one thing would you like to change about the music industry?
Share: I would love to change how record deals are structured. It is such a ripoff. When Vixen broke up, we all walked away without a penny. In fact, we had debt! And, yet, there are folks involved who have yachts and houses that we bought them. How can an artist earn back their advances at pennies per unit sold???? It’s pure insanity. Recently, a band I know just got signed to a big label, then they’re sent to LA to write with some famous songwriter cuz they’re songs aren’t good enough, then they’re told who will be their producer, then they’re told how to change their look! I can’t believe this crap actually goes on!!!!! I honestly don’t know what it would take to change it, but that is why we put our music out by ourselves!!!! Maybe if everyone releases their own CD’s and refuses to be signed for less than 50% of the profits, we’ll actually win the war? Screw the corporates!
FEMMUSIC: As a woman in the music industry, have you been discriminated against?
Share: I think the planet is made up of 2 kinds of people.
- Those who treat you like an individual
2 Those who just have to categorize you. Woman, man, young, old, black, hispanic, American, British, …whatever happened to rock n roll???? Either ya like the music or ya don’t. Basically, I just don’t waste my time with the “categorizing” types!
FEMMUSIC: What advice would you give to an artist just starting out?
Share: In the words of Winston Churchill….
“Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never give up.”
FEMMUSIC: What are your plans for the future?
Share: We are working on an EP and beginning work on a new CD. In the playing department, we are playing in Rockrgrl, and then, touring England, have a quick 3 days off, and then we play in Japan for our second time this year! As for any farther in the future….I’m sure I’ll be busy with BUBBLE..you’ll have to ask me what’s goin’ on then!